Tuesday, September 12, 2006
SSS (secret stripper song)
They were talking about this on the radio this morning, about how every woman has/should have a secret stripper song. The DJ announced that it might a be generational thing, only women over 30 or something, but a lot of women called in with their SSS. Surprisingly, they mostly had the same one: "leave your hat on" by joe cocker. Weirdos...
But then I thought to myself... If I had a song that I would secretly choreograph, in hopes that one day I would have the courage to dance it infront of a sig other (the DJ's definition of a SSS), what song would I choose?
Well, the sexiest singer I know is Bruce Springsteen. The two sexiest songs he sings are, "I'm on Fire," and "Fire." (he must be a pyro) So there you have it. My SSS, only I have two instead of one. wOOt 4 me.
What songs would ya'll pick?
BTW: Note here to MonkeyLover- You have an awesome site, and your posts are really good/interesting, but I can never comment on them! Is this a personal security choice that I'm not aware of, or am I not clicking on the right thing? I just dont want you to think I don't read your blog, becuase I do!! :)
Technorati Tags: stripper, sexy songs, bruce springsteen, secret
@ 5:28 PM