Saturday, September 09, 2006
see the other side
It can be so interesting to see how the current world has effected the one unit that is essential to the continuation of life. My friend and I went to the beach today, and as we were leaving we passed by a family gathered under a tent. They had some music on, and were talking casually, eating some watermelon and barbeque. Suddenly, the song gets int a heavy down beat, and the guy in it says something like, "Let me suck your..." something. Me and Holly kept walking by, I didn't really hear it, or it didn't permeate my skull, but Holly gave a look like, "what the hell are these people listening to?"
And she's right. What the hell kind of family gathering has to do with "sucking" something besides barbecue and lemonade? I'm not technically suggesting incest, but it seems very wrong that they can talk normally with that kind of soundtrack. What message does that send their teenagers? I understand that teenagers listen to that kind of stuff anyways, and parents can too, but it really shouldn't be done together. The thought sickens me. That kind of thing puts the fun in disfunctional quality time.
So is that where society is heading? The complete disregard of a more wholesome atmosphere? I thought life was supposed to go: young/innocent, young/not so innocent but still hidden under an innocent face, teenager/hate parents and as rebellious as possible, then suddenly you're an adult and having your own kids, if thats the path you choose. Circle of life. No where in there do I see, "teach your kids about sex by listening to sex songs at the saturday picnic." Doesn't fit anywhere. And it shouldn't, but these people apparenty made up their own circle of life. One that includes never growing up enough to be older than your children. That bothers me.
Currently listening to: "Africa" by Toto
Technorati Tags: TOTO, africa, barbecue, rap, innocence, complaining, life lessons
@ 9:53 PM