Sunday, September 03, 2006
down to size
The well laid plans of mice and men.... and so on...
I was right there, mentally anyway, to teach those primary kids, and now I've not only let them down, but I've also let mom down. Seriously, I put too much faith in my navigation skills. You'd think I'd be able to find my way home, but no. Well, actually, you know what it is? It's that I don't put enough faith in my memory! I was on the freeway, and I thought to myself, "I need just to keep going, I'll hit the road I need to be on" but no, I second guessed myself... like 5 times... and I ended up an hour late to go to church and teach those kids.
Part of me starts up a blame list: me being #s 1-10, then something about mom and my friends preshuring me, bla bla bla. The rest of me is just like, "whatev, it's done now, and i hope i've learned a lot from this expirience" more simply put, "whatev"
currently listening: The Bee Gees "Stayin Alive"
@ 1:26 PM