Tuesday, September 05, 2006
teachers, leave them kids alone
School starts today at my mew college. wOOt? No. Well, I'm not super unhappy about it, not like throwing a tantrum or anything, but still I'm not looking forward to 40 min traffic in the student parking lot. Meaning I have to drive to class nearly an hour earlier that the class starts. And then there's the whole embedded dread of school, and end of summer thing. You may be thinking, "well atleast you get a summer vacation. I have to work all year long." My reply to that: once upon a time you had a summer off, and at that time, you dreaded the start of the fall semester. It's just my turn now.
My friends yesterday gave me the impression that, although its fun to be around me and they like me, that I don't get out enough. Being the odd birds they are, they explained it by saying i'm a 'soft' and that means if my comfort zone is breached, then I wriggle away to re-establish the barrier. Never thought of it that way myself, but I suppose it's true. They also mentioned that I'm well adjusted despite this. Whatev that means, I took it as a compliment.
When one comes across insightful people like my friends Holly and Big T (that's what we'll call them) what is one meant to feel? I thought I was well in my right to be frazzled by their bustling energy and piercing aura. I mean, there's no fooling these people, and I guess if I can't fool people, then I'm not comfortable around them. Does this make me a 'soft', or a liar? Maybe a soft is liar, and that comfort zone includes a barrier that should keep others from looking too deep. Apparently it doesn't work on Holly and Big T.

If I'm going to stay sane in Calif, I'm going to have to find some friends at school. I can't have my only friends be constantly harassing me not to eat cheese. (didn't you know? dairy is extremely bad for you)
@ 9:19 AM