Friday, September 08, 2006
penut butter and banana woman-wich
I can't tell if I like penut butter and banana mixed between two slices of bread or not. Every bite has it's downpoints and it's up points. What I can tell you is that when I'm done eating it, I'm off to get some bologna and cheese. I'm not having another expiramental sandwich for lunch.
My art class is okay, I learned a lot about 'measuring up' to people's expectations. The prof had us lift our pencil up to the still life, and compare different edges with the tip of the pencil, then draw it down with vine charcoal, (a thin stick of charcoal that draws easilly). Although the activity was strenuous, I have to admit that the prof is very good, the best art teacher I've had. Never before have I had someone actually tell us AND show us his techniques for drawing still life, usually they just assume we've done i before and let us run free. Good stuff.
Here's a funny exchange:
"Would anyone like some help?"
"I would."
"You would?"
"You seem to be doing so well over here by yourself."
"No man is an island"
"...you're not a man-"
"Maybe I don't need your help then."
Currently watching: the Muppets first season DVD
Technorati Tags: funky sandwich, food, muppets, art, crazy teachers, funny
@ 3:43 PM