Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Page za Paige
I've been tagged! It's a book one, very interesting way to get to know people, and see what things they read. NOTE: even though I am in a book club, I find that they read extremely boring things. So I probably wont be putting any of THOSE books on this list. I need to find me a fantasy/scifi book club, those exist right?
1) A book that changed my life: (Cheesy answer alert) Harry Potter. I fought reading the books for so long, just because everyone else liked them. It took me till the 5th one came out to finally read them, which I did over the course of a month. I literally did not do anything that summer when 'HP' wasn't on my mind, and halfway through the second or third one, I began my own fan fiction of it, meant to be kept short and fun, is now 400 some pages and still growing. I plan to make a trilogy of it. So I would say that HP inspired me, captivated me, and most of all re-motivated me into the creative field.
2) A book that I've read more than once: The Witches of Worm by Zilpha Snider. It's a mystifying tale of an anti-social misfit who is faced with evil promptings from her possessed kitten, Worm. Along the way, she encounters therapists, paranoid babysitters, and a single mother who ignores her. Recommended, but it's more a book for pre-teens I'm sure. That's when I read it anyway.
3) A book I'd take to a deserted island: The Gunslinger series by Stephen King. It's very epic and interesting, but it takes time and patience to get through to the end. I haven't been able to as of yet, but I'm sure I would if left on an island with only it and rootbeer. (the rootbeer is necessary. Water I can find ;))
 4) A book that made me laugh: Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison. This is a good book, not funny all the way through, and it leaves you with some unanswered questions so that you buy the next book, but it has it's moments. The little Pixie man and the main character are so funny together, what with ferrets and sterilization. Big recommendation for this one.
5) A book that made me cry: Heidi, the classic by Johanna something. And Dead? by Lawrence Law. Enough said.
6) A book I wish had been written: Man, there are so many books out there, I couldn't possibly name something that hasn't been written about extensively. I'll tell you what though, I wish there were more Dr. Seuss and more Gary Larson books out there.
7) A book that should never have been written: I've never read something that was horrible and awful and so immoral that I thought it shouldn't have been written, but I don't think Nicole Richie should have wrote that book. It's not right.
8) A book I'm currently reading: Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin and Monster Blood Tattoo by D.M. Cornish. One more lighthearted, the other extremely detailed and thorough. Both good.
9) A book I'm planning to read: In Phule's Company by Robert Asprin, and Myth Conceptions by Robert Asprin. If I'm really bored then I'll read The Whistling Season by Ivan Doig.
10) Who I'm tagging next: Princess and Johnsy, Pheonix Hearse, Rain, Jennster, Christine, Lost in Beauty
@ 1:44 PM