Monday, February 26, 2007
lookin on
It's a great day of discovery for me: I've finally figured out what it is about the Revenge of the Dixie Chicks offends me. (that should be a horror movie. It would scare me.) That's right, everyone had their shot at Dixie Chicks, and now it's my turn, but it's not for the reasons you might think. Here goes:
I never liked the Dixie Chicks. Not ever. It wasn't only that I am and was anti-country, it's also that they allways seemed kinda uppity to me, a little too girlie, you know? So, I discounted them from the beginning. Then the whole thing about their anti-Bush speech to France came about. In response, I chuckled a bit, and never spoke nor thought of it again. Why should I care what some trio of biatches think, especially when I don't even care about the trio in the first place? In fact, I dont remember anyone around me caring much. They didn't much like country either.
Then the girls come back, with a vengence. (seriously, I didn't even realize they'd been gone) Here's where I get offended. They write a song about how they've been persecuted, and hated on, and attacked for speaking their beliefs. Wait a minute, Dixie Chicks, you're singing like I care. I'm offended that such a thing could be assumed. Particularly when I never cared. I think i'm so offended that I'm going to boycott the Dixie Chicks. :):):)
country-playa hata, wizeupLabels: ranting
@ 10:11 PM
Sunday, February 25, 2007
This dream website tells me that my dreams about various celebrities means that I'm:
a) sexually repressed (try to figure that one out. Do all dreams mean sex? I'm not consulting Dr. Frued) b) I should incorporate into myself the characteristics of that celebrity that I admire
Go figure, its crap in my puzzler. I say I just watch House, Scrubs, and Crossing Jordan too much. And, it's a hell of a lot better than dreaming about school or aliens. If I happen to meet my chinese teacher in my dreams one of these days, it'll be a nightmare.Labels: dreamscope
@ 9:37 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
6 weirdos walk into a bar...
Weird tag! Here we go! (now commencing to think up only 6 weird things to put here)
1. Listening to TOTO makes me feel nostalgic for highschool. Which was two years ago. I wasn't even alive for 'Africa' and it was my theme song for like 3 years.
2. Sometimes I get my dreams and my real life mixed up. Example: Say I have a dream that my friend orders a hot dog, when I know she hates hot dogs. It would probably subconsciously bug me till I confronted her about it, whereupon I would only remember it was a dream After I get the weird 'what are you talking about' look. You know the one.
3. I've picked up this new thing where I have to wave at strangers in my neighborhood, which is everyone because I live in a community of uppity old people that look down on me. But they smile back and talk to me. I think it's because of Ernie, he wins them over.
4. The reason the uppity bitches of the neighborhood look down on me? I wear slippers, pajamas, a monstrous sweater and my iPod 8 out of 10 times when walking my dog. They think I'm ignoring them and being a crazy teen with my slippers, which is only half true. I really can't hear them if they aren't in my face making it obvious that they're talking. Is it my fault the can't see the iPod?
5. When I first heard that Chaucer is my great uncle, my first reaction was 'awesome!' Until I read Cantebury Tales. My GOD those are some dull tales. I'd rather go back to analyzing Beowulf. (this coming from an english major. I blame it on the Wife of Bath's bitch fest. I just don't see the point of her repeating the same stupid point Over and Over and Over... ugh) Point is, I got all uppity without knowing who I was linking myself to. Weird.
6. And weirdest thing about me? I still have backstreet boys and Nsync on my playlist. Oh yeah. ;)
Hope you enjoyed delving deeper into the world I like to call 'weirdo land'. Come back soon!Labels: weirdo land
@ 11:45 PM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
dinner speaks
Hey... I just saw the chinese character for 'woman' scribed in cheese onto the bottom of my mac and cheese bowl. Wow. That's like Cheerios telling peter "oooo" but more nerdy. I wonder what it means when cheese tells you 'woman'? And to think I would have never got the message if I wasn't taking chinese. How many cheese messages do we miss in our mac bowls, just because we can't decipher them?? Its mind blowing...
Anyway, i have a funny story about a target trip I took yesterday:
I was at the checkout buying my altoids and slipper-socks when suddenly the girl at the counter over started SCREAMING her head off. Everyone jumped, I think one guy fell over, and the security ran over to see what was going on. Apparently, the cashier lady had hiccups, and her customer lulled her in close and then screamed into her face to cure them. It worked. Next time I find someone who has hiccups, I think I'll try that. And grab them, he grabbed her. Everyone had a good laugh afterwards, but I seriously thought there was some robbery going on.
'Woman' is freaking me out. Here's the character I'm talking about:

Why did it come to me? lol
@ 10:00 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
days of our lives?
When I learned that Dr. Cox's sister (on Scrubs with Zach Braff and friends) was named Paige, first I was dumbstuck, then I got a little giggly. Afterall, Dr. Cox is awesome. But then I realized something bizarre: Scrubs is my new soap opera. Or my first soap opera depending on which story you believe.
As silly as it might be to be obsessed (obsessed is such a strong word) with a sitcom, I find more healthy than to be obsessed with an actual soap opera. I've heard that people who watch Days of our Lives or The Bold and the Beautiful can get depressed just from watching a particularly unnerving episode. Scrubs wont do that to you. So therefore, I stick to it.
Dentist appt today.... blech...
Technorati Tags: scrubs, dr. cox, days of our lives, soap opera, zach braff, sitcomsLabels: scrubs
@ 10:04 AM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Schooled in Life
I believe that there are lessons to be learned in life, and I also believe that I just got schooled in one of them: appreciation. Not two minutes ago I got a big whap in the face telling me that I don't appreciate my step dad enough. There's a few factors mixed in there, I think I used to blame it on the fact that he wedged his way into my mom and I's life. For a few years, that may have been the case, maybe it still is, but there's more to the story. Not even mentioning my odd discomfort towards the male species in general, there's something about a step father.
When my real father died, I went inward to seek blame. I told myself I never appreciated him, up until the end, and I never gave him the attention and love that he deserved. I think some of that bitterness and blame deflected outward: to perhaps the man who I felt like might have tried to replace my father. Poor Malcolm never saw it coming. Well, I don't treat him any different than I used to, I might treat him better since I've matured, but I have the tendancy to like it when he's out of town. It's not really fair to him. He's never shown me hostility, never treated me like the red headed step child, although I have died my hair red from time to time so he would have certainly had the excuse ;).
I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though he's not my real father, I don't want to be standing at another father-figure funeral wishing that I'd done more to appreciate that man. Thanks, Malcolm.Labels: lessons, the truth
@ 11:07 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
playful kitty

I just read this in an e-mail titled: "Cat Lovers and women prepare to laugh!" And, oh boy, did I!
I was taking my shower after breakfast when I heard my wife, Deb, call out to me from the kitchen.
"Honey! The garbage disposal is dead again. Please come reset it."
"You know where the button is," I protested through the shower pitter-patter and steam. "Reset it yourself!"
"But I'm scared!" she persisted. "What if it starts going and sucks me in?" There was a meaningful pause and then, "C'mon, it'll only take you a second."
So out I came, dripping wet and butt naked, hoping that my silent outraged nudity would make a statement about how I perceived her behavior as extremely cowardly.
Sighing loudly, I squatted down and stuck my head under the sink to find the button. It is the last action I remember performing.
It struck without warning, and without any respect to my circumstances. No, it wasn't the hexed disposal, drawing me into its gnashing metal teeth. It was our new kitty, who discovered the fascinating dangling objects she spied hanging between my legs. She had been poised around the corner and stalked me as I reached under the sink. And, at the precise moment when I was most vulnerable, she leapt at the toys I unwittingly offered and snagged them with her needle-like claws. I lost all rational thought to control orderly bodily movements, blindly rising at a violent rate of speed, with the full weight of a kitten hanging from my masculine region.
Wild animals are sometimes faced with a "fight or flight" syndrome. Men, in this predicament, choose only the "flight" option. I know this from experience. I was fleeing straight up into the air when the sink and cabinet bluntly and forcefully impeded my ascent. The impact knocked me out cold.
When I awoke, my wife and the paramedics stood over me. Now there are not many things in this life worse than finding oneself lying on the kitchen floor butt naked in front of a group of "been-there, done-that" paramedics. Even worse, having been fully briefed by my wife, the paramedics were all snorting loudly as they tried to conduct their work, all the while trying to suppress their hysterical laughter......and not succeeding.
Somehow I lived through it all. A few days later I finally made it back in to the office, where colleagues tried to coax an explanation out of me about my head injury. I kept silent, claiming it was too painful to talk about, which it was. "What's the matter?" They all asked, "Cat got your tongue?"Labels: funny story
@ 1:35 PM
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
craziness x3

I just thought that was an insane picture. I can never complain about it being too cold or windy, but for those of you who thought you could, you no longer can unless you took this picture.
Another bit of craziness, I just found Zach Braff's blog. I must be behind on the whole Zach Braff thing, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to figure out he has his own blog/web address, but it's still pretty cool. He's already on my bookmark bar. Right next to mugglenet.com. That's how high I rank his blog.
My hair has reached astronomical length. Not just astronomically long, as far as paige's hair goes, but astronomically uneven as far as past layers growing out. Did I just spell 'astronomically' wrong four times? Besides my absence of a spell checker, I plan to get one of those funky hair cuts. Not faux-hawk funky, I'm done with that one. Maybe red tips with a super sonic layer job? Rockin. :)
For one who can sleep in tomorrow, I think I'll keep surfing the net. Without a wet suit. I live on the wild side like that.
Technorati Tags: true winter, ice storms, zach braff, blogs, mugglenet, astronomically, funky hair cut
@ 11:01 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
ice breakers
Today I started school up again after a month on hiatus, and I started it with a BAM. Three classes starting at 8:00 and ending at 12:20. Woo! I wish I could say that my first day was a success (so far it is) but I have one more class at flippin 6:30-9:20 p.m. This is going to be a crazy semester.
There's something about being a little bit older and still going to school. Even in highschool, the teachers start with those ice breaker moments on the first day. Stand up, what's your name, what's your hobby, what's your interest in this class... ect. In College, so far, I've had most of my teachers start off the first day like that, and I think I've figured out why. We're supposedly adults, but we've been programed with grade school for the past 12 years, and we have it engrained in that if we keep our heads down and our mouths shut not only will we not be labelled a nerd, we also don't piss the teachers off. Now that we have more freedom, our Prof. want more interaction and such, so they want everyone to feel comfortable and chatty. I got to tell ya though, it doesn't work in Speech 101 at 8:00 AM.
Wish me luck for the next few months! I've only been back in school for a few hours now, and my brain is already saying, "Well that was nice. Now let's go back to break."
But I can't! Especially if I can get this job at Geppetto's toy store in the mall over here.Labels: avoidance tactics, initiations
@ 1:21 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007
panic attack!
I was just on amazon, and guess what? Harry Potter 7 not only has a title, but it's also coming out in July! Yay? No! No yay! The sooner the 7th one comes out, the sooner there aren't anymore to come out! I was a late bloomer with this Potter fanatisism, ok?, and for the 6th book (still pissed about this) I couldn't find a bleeping barnes and nobles to go to on the night of the midnight madness party where everyone dresses up all mad-crazy and acts like dorks till midnight the books actually come out. Since I didn't go to that one, this'll be my only one!
That's enough rant for me, I'm still not happy about the end of the series, but I feel strangely like a nerd worrying myself over it... I think I'll go to a bar and play darts... (see, cuz that's not a normal nerdy thing. The nerdy thing to do would be to stay home watching star wars or somat... pah, now that sounds like a friday night!! ;)) Anywho, TGIF!
Who's going to have a superbowl party?! I AM! wOOt!
Technorati Tags: harry potter 7, super bowl, barnes and nobles, star wars, beer, darts, nerds, friday nightLabels: panic at mcpaige's
@ 5:30 PM