
Over 18, Under 21

About Me:

I am a crazy college chick, looking for a good time and an even better grade.

I am in a junior college for the next semester and a half. Once that's over, I'll be that much closer to getting an english degree! Not that I really need one to be a writer, but it'd be nice to have.


July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007


Delve Into My Psyche:


List of random things about me

Purring towards Perrrfection

CieJa Art


Previous Posts:

Blogrolling Around:


Freckle Face Girl

Phoenix Hearse

Random Blog Button

Princess & Johnsy

Rain in the Sky

Que Sera Sarah


With Love from Pheonix

That Shadow My Likeness



Where's the Coffee?

Monkey Lover

be present, be here

Beauty of Nature

Right On!


Kuching of Sugar Land



True Wife Confessions



Wednesday, February 07, 2007

craziness x3

I just thought that was an insane picture. I can never complain about it being too cold or windy, but for those of you who thought you could, you no longer can unless you took this picture.

Another bit of craziness, I just found Zach Braff's blog. I must be behind on the whole Zach Braff thing, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to figure out he has his own blog/web address, but it's still pretty cool. He's already on my bookmark bar. Right next to That's how high I rank his blog.

My hair has reached astronomical length. Not just astronomically long, as far as paige's hair goes, but astronomically uneven as far as past layers growing out. Did I just spell 'astronomically' wrong four times? Besides my absence of a spell checker, I plan to get one of those funky hair cuts. Not faux-hawk funky, I'm done with that one. Maybe red tips with a super sonic layer job? Rockin. :)

For one who can sleep in tomorrow, I think I'll keep surfing the net. Without a wet suit. I live on the wild side like that.

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Firefly @ 11:01 PM