
Over 18, Under 21

About Me:

I am a crazy college chick, looking for a good time and an even better grade.

I am in a junior college for the next semester and a half. Once that's over, I'll be that much closer to getting an english degree! Not that I really need one to be a writer, but it'd be nice to have.


July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007


Delve Into My Psyche:


List of random things about me

Purring towards Perrrfection

CieJa Art


Previous Posts:

Blogrolling Around:


Freckle Face Girl

Phoenix Hearse

Random Blog Button

Princess & Johnsy

Rain in the Sky

Que Sera Sarah


With Love from Pheonix

That Shadow My Likeness



Where's the Coffee?

Monkey Lover

be present, be here

Beauty of Nature

Right On!


Kuching of Sugar Land



True Wife Confessions



Monday, January 01, 2007

hershey's kiss of truth

What makes something true?

I can easily define a lie. It's simply not the truth. But then what is truth? Something that is not a lie? No, I won't accept those runaround answers. The dictionary can't help me here.

Growing up, I was given the impression that everything is questionable except democracy, the bible, and what adults say. In two decades, I have witneesed the decay of my faith in the three "unquestionables". The Bible isn't the word of God, it's the interpretation of centuries and centuries of man's translations. And it's not exactly the most clear text out on the market, I don't care what "contemporary bible" you find. It's just one more translation, one more chance to be wrong. What about democracy? Well, I don't think I have to delve too deeply into that (it could take too long), but what I will say is that some ideas get outmoded. Then for adults, I technically am one now and I as sure as hell can lie, and probably have to children. It makes me realize that there is nothing unquestionable, and therefore there isn't anything that is completely "true".

Truth can't be the ultimate, unshakable tower that dictionaries spell it out to be.

What's brought me to this conclusion is something that I happened to remember last night while doing a few prompts to ring in the new year. I had a lot of "story telling" (lying) practice in middle school. I remember one gullible friend in particular. I had her thinking I was a Witch and could do magic. Whether I believed it myself or not, well I don't know about that. Usually when i told a lie like that it was a sort of wish fulfillment. Anyways, I had her going. One night we might have delved a little too deeply into my lie. I don't know, but some things happened that I must not have expected to happen, because I was more astonished by them than she was. You see, she wasn't awed by the events because to her it was only a further testament to what I'd been talking about all along. To me, it was my elaborate story gone ary. To her, though, it was the truth, and it was confirmed. So is truth only a matter of who percieves it?

I'm not sure. I've never professed to be one who is trustworthy, for I surely am not; however, I have seen sincerity. That is the closest to truth I think I'm going to get.

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Firefly @ 2:31 PM