Monday, December 11, 2006
mi moncherai
I'm on BETA now, and I gotta tell ya, it feels great. I think. I had some trouble logging in becuz I couldn't remember which e-mail I used, but obviously that got sorted out when I realised I only have three e-mails so one of them had to work.
Still having issues with mister no name. Perhaps you don't know that I've been secretly avoiding him, but I have. Sometimes when he calls... I just don't feel like answering. And it's not a lethargic thing, its a deep burning will not to talk to him. I'm not sure what it's about, but with my past dealings and looking at my most successful relationships, I have a feeling that he's getting too close and I'm whimping out. Poor Steven. I mean... mister no name...
The semester is almost over!! I can't believe it!! It felt like it would last for an eternity, and it nearly did. But next week is my last one. *sigh* I almost can't let go. Like that really really awefull smell in a closet that you sort of get used to. Then you discover the source (a dead mouse er somethin') and the smell goes away. You kinda miss it. Well this semester is that stinky decaying rat, and next week is when i discover it's festering corpse. (i want you to picture this before you fall asleep tonight) After that... it'll be a whole new smell to get used to. Geez. I almost want to just throw the rat away early before it gets too familiar. Maybe I'll start taking those shortened classes, where it's all condensed into a weekend and you don't sleep for 72 hours. Oh wait, those haven't been invented yet. Well they should be, it would make school that much easier for the returning students who are working and have five kids at home.
Currently Listening to: David Bowie "Fashion" Currently avoiding: (besides mister no name) my english paper due thursday
I better get on that... My paper that is, I don't think literally getting on mister no name will solve anything.
Technorati Tags: avoiding, mister no name, David Bowie, fashion, Robert Frost, dead rats, semester, end of term blues, BETALabels: end of term blues
@ 8:44 PM