Tuesday, November 21, 2006
YAY! 100 posts! Did I spell 'hundreth' right?
I might have done something more grand, more '100th'-ie, if I wasn't recovering from the cold from hell. Seriously, ya'll, i have been dying for the past few days. I was telling people, "common cold my ass," thinking that was pretty witty. But it turned out to be true. Apparently I didn't drain right and now I have a sinus infection. But it's still from hell. The cure is almost worse than the disease. The decongestant they gave me is anti-sleep, while the pain medication they gave me makes me extremely tired. So it's like I'm tired all the time, but I can never seem to get any sleep. . . grrr... This is a great time to be celebrating not only my 100th post, but also thanksgiving! Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy the pumpkin pie atleast.
Only a few more days till turkey day! I'm thankful that this semester is nearly over. And that my cat and dog fight over me, it boosts my ego.
@ 10:23 AM