Sunday, November 05, 2006
quoth the paigen
 My school's holding a contest for poetry and short stories. Minimal 3 poems, one short story 15 pages. Prize money: 100 smackaroos. I hope to take home atleast some mula, I am submitting 3 of my best poems. The short story is another thing. I don't exactly write short stories. I once tried to write a short story. Four years and 415 pages later I'm nearly finished with it (lol not exaggerating for once). But yesterday I wrote my first short story. Six pages in all, very suspensful, very exhilerating. I had my inspirations in Poe and Hawthorne, mostly Poe. Here's an excerpt from my story, tell me what you think:
--"Know thyself, poet, and thou shalt be saved."
--The resolute voice echoed in my blind head as it would in a cavern. I was not alleviated, alternately my insides churned in fear and denial. A demon from hell or guardian of heaven had sought me out to settle my sins whilst I still breathed! The terror that gripped me nearly forced me to collapse upon myself and crumple to the floor. I did not, nor did I turn to face my maker. My eyes rose to the top shelf of the book case that towered over me. An eye less bust, shattered into naught but a neck and a stern brow, cast it's sockets down upon me. It must be all a dream.
--"There are those who live in dreams, and those who face reality. Choose now, wandering mortal, which thou wilt be."
I thought it was dreadfully frightening when I wrote it last night. It's not scary today, but I still find it to be kind of creepy and pretty good. But then again, I'm biased. The real problem is I don't like my title for it: "Therein He Haunts." It's sounds stupid an cheesy, yet I only have two more days to think of another. I might end up sticking with it, since I can't really come up with an alternative. Any suggestions?
Otherwise, today we went to a foster home for doggie and visited our possible future dog: a little jack russel terrier named Charlie Bear. He's adorable, very loving and calm. Mom is kind of freaked out by the bit of pink beneath his eye, but she agrees that he's really sweet. It'll be a nice addition to the household I think. I would have preferred my Rottweiler puppy though...
Technorati Tags: poe, hawthorne, short story, poetry, writing contests, jack russel
@ 7:34 PM