Saturday, October 21, 2006
universal concept #2
All that down there is different news that what I intended to convey. What I really wanted to talk about was my awesome day at universal studios! wOOt wOOt! :)
We wanted to go to the halloween universal special that's going on tonight, but it was sold out, so we opted to just have a good ol' day trip. It turned out great, we did everything except Terminator in 3-D (you see it once, you've seen it 6 billion times), the back to the future thing, and we didn't ride the jurassic park coaster. Apparently in the time since I was 8 till now, my mom has slowly stopped riding roller coasters, and I just didn't pay attention.
Thats allright though, because I got to ride the Mummy ride twice; once alone, once with mom. And that's all I really need. If you know me in real life, you know that I used to be OBSESSED with The Mummy. I watched it so many times that I can play the whole movie over in my head without help. Pretty bad, I know. Well, it's not so much of an obsession anymore, but when I got into the line and heard that music, I was all a tingle. It doesn't hurt that the ride is flippin fast. I swear, I didn't even mean to scream the first time I rode it, it was actually a result from the take off speed. It was insane, so flippin awesome. Now I want to go watch the movie. And the second one. And, hell, the spin-off too, why not?
Picture from december trip to universal:

Oh yeah! ;) I meant to get one of those today as well, but I didn't catch him in time. Oh well.
@ 10:57 PM