Tuesday, October 24, 2006
 I need a job. Every time I see a charity jar at a register, I put in like my whole wallet, same if I see a guy with a sign. Maybe it's a vanity thing, like wanting people to see that I'm a giving person. But I don't think so, I think it's one of those aggresively nice things. I get a high from giving money away, I guess? And, plus, I don't do anything else to help out the world around me, so I feel like I'm 'paying' my way out of it. (in reality it's only like a dollar or something, but still a dollar can add up)
The problem is, it's not my money to give away. I'm sure my mom isn't going to tell me NOT to give to people that are hungry, or to those jars for hospitals, but I'm supposed to be using that money for gas and lunch ect. Not charity. I wonder if she notices that I only use like three dollars on my own lunch, but come home with only fifty cents from a five dollar bill. Atleast I'm not buying porn or something, right?
Yeah... I need a job... Maybe next semester
Technorati Tags: needy, charity, jobs
@ 10:32 PM