Thursday, November 16, 2006
frenchatize me capn'
I've made all my words lately, especially the mundane ones, sound a little french. Mostly it has been used for complaints and declerations. Example: "Oh boy, I do have a head-ache-ay. And it's a whopp-are aussi." People tend to look at me like 'right... well get yourself a tylenol then.' But I think it's fun. It makes life interesting.
This has nothing to do with the mormon that I met on campus that is fluent in french. Once he called me up wondering why I was on his phone, and if he missed our date or not (he didn't btw) I kind of let him go and his frenchie warys. That boy acted too much like a child prodigy: book smart, large vocabulary, with one of those higher authority additudes, but lacking in social skill and street smarts. *sigh* Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be single. It's much better than being in a bad relationship. But sometimes I wonder... Am I staying single on purpose? Am I sabotaging relationships before they start so I can keep with the thrill of the chase?
Sometimes I wonder if every piece of advice I give is a sabotage. My first instinct in a bad situation is to get out, not to fix it, or live with it. So when my friends have realtionship trouble, I tell them that the guy sounds like a real jerk and they need to drop him like a rotten tomato. In fact, I've never met a couple that I haven't at one time or another thought they they should break up. I see corruption in every relationship(romantic ones), yet I tell myself I want one and wonder why I can't seem to make my way into one. Geez.
I need to go study now, no more ranting. But I do think I'll be a hermit.
@ 4:17 PM