Sunday, September 17, 2006
poisoned paradise
 I'm all a twitter. It confuses me, excites me, and aggravates me; all at the same time! woo! This is all caused by the fact that my Romeo and Juliet date has been moved up to tonight. He's going to call me when he gets off work for further planning. This is why I'm twitterpated. Guh, it's such an annoying feeling.
In other news, I am called to Jury Duty. Can you believe it?! Jury frikkin duty. I knew I shouldn't have registered to vote, and that there was a reason I despised the DMV, besides it's loooong lines and rude people. Grr... It said to take off two weeks, and that I should get paid to do it? I don't think so, bucko, I'm in school! You don't get paid to go to school, and if you take off more than two days, you get frikkin dropped from the class! I'll have to purposefully not get picked for the jury. Bigot time! Whatever the race is! I hate everyone equally, especially eskimos... those fur wearing weirdos...
Here's a topic, that has nothing to do with my date tonight... Roswell (the TV show from a few years back) has brought me back into the world of innocent love, and made me think that it can work out if a strong enough connection is made. Ignore the whole intergalactic romance, that's what scared me away when it was running. It's so much more than a scifi show with conspiracies being thrown about. At the risk of sounding like Roger and Ebert, go watch Roswell; You'll fall in love again. ;)
Ok, kittens, I'm off. I've got to go find something to keep my mind occupied and off of the date.
Technorati Tags: toxic, shakespeare, love, roswell, critic, jury duty
@ 3:16 PM