Sunday, December 31, 2006
words are all I have
So it’s the last day of 2006. Whoopdie-do.
To celebrate such an occasion, I have so far woken up at 4:00 am to escort my sister to the airport and bid them fairwell, then went back to sleep till just a few minutes ago. Now I’m eating toast, and writing my blog out on appleworks because my internet is on the frits. See? 2006 and I didn’t get along to such an extent that I can’t even get online to post my annual “farewell party” thing that I have. (the last two years it was on my livejournal blog)
What did 2006 do for me?
(I just realized that I’ve been putting 2005 this entire time. Wow, wrong time to start getting used to what year it is.)
Not much. No life-rocking romances, no "best days of my life", no frikken awesome parties/friends, and no finished books. Nothing at all, really.
But you know, each year I use my farewell post to curse the current year and radiate hope for the coming one. True the past two or three years haven't been the greatest for me, but I see where my logic goes sour. I expect the year to just turn up good, without me doing much about it. That's what happened this year particularly. All I kind of did, all I've ever done, is go with the flow. My new hope for 2007, more of a resolution, is to make it a good year.
So long, 2006. The word for you is "baby" because taking care of my niece was the best part of it, and most memorable by far. See ya. Technorati Tags: new years eve, 2006, ranting, resolution, hope, babyLabels: ranting
@ 10:52 AM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
melt into me
It's pretty sad that christmas is around the bend, and I haven't done anything about it. Okay, sure, I have most of my presents bought, but thats about it. . . The tree is up and decorated too. It must just be me. I have all my finals next week and studying for them has engulfed my brain. No room left to sing carols and feel all warm and gooshy. I hope that'll come Friday afternoon when I get out of my last class for the semester. Can't wait!!! I bet as soon as my family all gets here, it'll hammer christmas into my mind (finally!) let's just hope i have the presents wrapped by then.Labels: cup of cheer, end of term blues
@ 10:08 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
easy as ABC
A- Available or single? Yes. Allways it seems. B- Best Friend? Uh... my cat? Hurcules? C- Cake or Pie? Cherry Pie D- Drink of Choice? Coke/Dr. Pepper E- Essential Item? egyptian goddess roll on oil (oh wait, I haven't gotten that yet ;)) F- Favorite Color? Lime Green G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Niether, I'm all for chocolate H- Hometown? I carry my home on my back, much like a turtle! I- Indulgence? chocolate J- January or February? January K- Kids and names? None L- Life is incomplete without? My cat. :) M- Marriage Date? Uh... N/A? N- Number of Siblings? 4 - 3 brothers & 1 sister (bonus of getting tagged by your sis) O- Oranges or apples? Oranges or golden apples P- Phobias/Fears? cockroaches and commitment *shudder* Q- Favorite Quote? "All men dream, but not equally" from T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) R- Reason to Smile? chocolate, and my cat (wow that's been like 4 answers already. I need to be more creative) How bout seeing my fam for christmas? yay! S- Season? Meh, fall's kinda nice when it rains T- Tag three people! Sarah, Issy, Rain U- Unknown Fact about Me! I'm secretly a martian fugative V- Vegetable you hate? ugh, squash and eggplant and a number of other crappy ones that i don't care to mention W- Worst habit? Spacing out in the middle of a conversation/lecture X- X-Rays you've had? Most to do with my knee Y- Your favorite food? I like all food equally, except the food i don't like Z- Zodiac? Virgo
Well, there you have,my most recent attempt at avoiding school work, except this time i'm in the library so it makes it that much more hard to get to work. Ugh.Labels: avoidance tactics, end of term blues, fun memes, tag you're it
@ 12:21 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006
mi moncherai
I'm on BETA now, and I gotta tell ya, it feels great. I think. I had some trouble logging in becuz I couldn't remember which e-mail I used, but obviously that got sorted out when I realised I only have three e-mails so one of them had to work.
Still having issues with mister no name. Perhaps you don't know that I've been secretly avoiding him, but I have. Sometimes when he calls... I just don't feel like answering. And it's not a lethargic thing, its a deep burning will not to talk to him. I'm not sure what it's about, but with my past dealings and looking at my most successful relationships, I have a feeling that he's getting too close and I'm whimping out. Poor Steven. I mean... mister no name...
The semester is almost over!! I can't believe it!! It felt like it would last for an eternity, and it nearly did. But next week is my last one. *sigh* I almost can't let go. Like that really really awefull smell in a closet that you sort of get used to. Then you discover the source (a dead mouse er somethin') and the smell goes away. You kinda miss it. Well this semester is that stinky decaying rat, and next week is when i discover it's festering corpse. (i want you to picture this before you fall asleep tonight) After that... it'll be a whole new smell to get used to. Geez. I almost want to just throw the rat away early before it gets too familiar. Maybe I'll start taking those shortened classes, where it's all condensed into a weekend and you don't sleep for 72 hours. Oh wait, those haven't been invented yet. Well they should be, it would make school that much easier for the returning students who are working and have five kids at home.
Currently Listening to: David Bowie "Fashion" Currently avoiding: (besides mister no name) my english paper due thursday
I better get on that... My paper that is, I don't think literally getting on mister no name will solve anything.
Technorati Tags: avoiding, mister no name, David Bowie, fashion, Robert Frost, dead rats, semester, end of term blues, BETALabels: end of term blues
@ 8:44 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I am officially hooked on Neopets again. Last night I was up late and realized that I've been avoiding that silly little creature website for seven years too long. Despite me being 12 the last time I was on, it didn't change the fact that it's a really fun/addicting place. My new pet is a llama thingie named Tinza_the_great. :) Silly, but fun.
What's up with this new version of blogger? I'm not so sure I can trust it.
My new word, one that means whatever you want it to, is janga. Not jenga the tower game. Janga. That's what happens when I get random insomnia and aim it up till 3:00 in the morning. Yay for late night chats with silly people!
Technorati Tags: neopets, llama, addiction, meerca chase, new version of blogger, janga, jenga
@ 11:41 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
thanks a million

Thanks to FreckleFaceGirl for the great holiday themed blog! I LOVE IT!
Happy friday!
@ 8:03 AM