Monday, August 07, 2006
sticky mousetrap
San Diego has proven to be quite the new expirience for me, even only being here for two and a half days. I have a car for the first time in over a year, I am transferred to a new college, a "new" cat. Most things just seem new, since i've changed so much since last I was here to see them.
Driving a Volvo is quite the expirience. I have yet to name her (it is a her, she's got a flower sticker in the back window stuck on by her previous owner) and I'm just barely getting back into the whole driving thing. It'll take a while to get used to not driving a standard, but it will come. It was such a shock to see it, and think "OMG this is my car" and I feel that now everytime I see it in the street outside. Quite exciting, I must say.
My friend, the only one in San Diego, is as loco as ever. She's into this new fad where everyone fits into four categories depending on their personality. Supposedly I'm a soft, and she's a rich. It has to do with me being more of a timid listener, and Noelle being more of the 'go-to" gal. You know the kind, the ones that have all the answers and make everyone's problem their own. As for softies, we are more the sensitive type, more ready to blend in with the works and watch whats going on around us than participate. There's something to these categories, but not to the extent that she thinks.
I just locked my cat in my mom's room, because he has a mouse to catch. I saw it dart in there and then saw it go into their closet. My mom put a 'break neck' mousetrap in there because she claims that the sticky mousetraps are less effective, and less humane since they die of starvation rather slowly. I agree, the quick death is the better death, but it's allways hard for me to sentance pests to death like that. It's fine if my cat kills the mouse, that's more natural and evolutionary, plus it keeps Hurc happy. Right now I'm dreading to hear a loud *SNAP* and my cat "YEOOOW"ling because the wrong creature got caught in the trap. He's a large cat, and should survive a mousetrap attatcked to his paw, but that doesn't mean I would like him to expirience that. So I guess you could say that whether the cat or the mouse is involved, I'm dreading the *SNAP*
It's nice to have this comp back. I've missed my iTunes, and documents.
@ 9:16 PM