Thursday, August 03, 2006
dont you mess around with me
The deed is done, and the message sent. It came out a little meaner than I intended, perhaps that's why they say don't do things of that nature in the heat of the moment ah?
Otherwize, I'm more concerned with my missing Lexie. She's so cute, and even when she cries right in my ear I want to kiss and love on her. :( Yup, she will be missed. But I was talking to Lucky a while ago and he said, "You get to go home and take care of Paige now, huh?" And that's true, not that I'm super nanny, but it will be kinda nice to have a bit of 'me' time. I'll probably use it to reflect on how much I miss Lexie ;)
Here's a cute pick of the two of us for keepsakes 
@ 11:29 AM