Thursday, July 27, 2006
monkeying around
I have a problem, one that should give you a chuckle.
 Apparently my boy that is a friend that wants me to be his exclusive girlfriend has bought me an early birthday present. YAY! I love my birthstone! And who cares if it's a month too early, and if he spent freaking all his paycheck on it, it's gorgeous!
Wait.. isn't there something immoral about accepting expensive jewelry from boys you intend never to have romantic involvment with? I'm sure he spent his entire paycheck on it. Maybe I should tell him the truth while he has time to take the ring back.
I'll tell you what Marilyn Monroe would do, she would take the ring with no thought as to the feelings of the giver. Diamonds were her best friend, so should Peridots be mine? I could put on a fancy dress, and parade down a staircase with men swarming about me.
Those would be my options except for the boy already sent the parcel. It should arrive by this weekend whether I'm having a moral dilemma about accepting it or not. I guess it's never too late to right wrongs... but I want the ring! So bad! After a day of changing three stinky, green diapers, watching Disney flicks, and eating Crispex, I guess I want some glamour in my life, even if it comes in the form of a Zales ring box. Meh, who knows? Maybe me and him will later have something, and the ring will be justified. Yes... I will hold out for that possibility.
@ 12:15 PM