Friday, August 11, 2006
it's for keeps
So no liquids on our luggage, ah? That's fantastic...
Anyway, I had my TV debut on wednesday night. Mom and I went to go see if Davinci Code is still in theaters, and a News crew was there interviewing some people, and they saw me staring at them, and decided to offer me the chance to give my opinion about the movie, "World Trade Center." I only had one thing to say, which was that I think the movie is coming out too soon. The lady tried to get me to expound a little, and some of what I said I think was more a result of her questions than of my opinion, but atleast I made it on TV ah?
They clipped out about 20 seconds of me saying, "It's too near. It's like it just barely happened and suddenly they're capitalizing on it." Twisting of words. Yes I said that, but it sort of popped out. I was trying to get across that I felt either the subject is too sensitive or not sensitive enough, you know? If they had done it when the incident was fresh in our minds, that would be one thing. Or if they would have waited another five years then it would peak the interests. But this is just an awkward time to make this movie.
It was really weird to see and hear me on the news.. I have it saved, of course.;)
Otherwise, I went to the dentist yesterday and he said, as usual, that my gums aren't well cared for. So now I have some special medicated mouthwash to help me out. That stuff is the nastiest stuff in the world, I can't wait till I finish the bottle off and convince that man of my ability to stick to gum care.
I leave you on a note of good news: my two favorite shows have a connection. Archeangel (sp?) David from Xena is on Crossing Jordan as an Aussie love interest for Jordan. Isn't that awesome?? It warms my heart, ;)
@ 12:53 PM