I am a crazy college chick, looking for
a good time and an even better grade.
I am in a junior college for the next semester and a half. Once
that's over, I'll be that much closer to getting an english degree!
Not that I really need one to be a writer, but it'd be nice to
YouTube friday is cancelled, I'm sorry. Something isn't working with the connection between blogger and youtube, so I'm sorry but the funny lord of the rings parody I was planning to put up will have to wait till I can find out how to do it.
@ 8:16 PM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
not the shiny kind
Foil: noun, associated with plays or dramatic productions; -term used for two characters that have the same background, are of similar age, and are faced with the same situation; except that their characteristics and reactions oppose to the point of mirroring their paired character. Sometimes used in order to define a certain character by showing what he/she wouldn't do.
Antigone's foil was Ismene, Hamlet's foil was Laertes, and Luke's foil is Han. (solo... Han solo...)
My foil is Surfer K.
-both raised in Texas before moving to San Diego -from divorced/re-married parents (step siblings included) -have a strong interest in writing/English (both hate math) -both of our closest siblings are males in their mid twenties
From here on out, we come to a mirror. Surfer K is more the timid, nice girl, that is predominately shy and has no real self confidence. Wizeup (that would be me) is more opinionated and stubborn, especially when it comes to decisions. Both of us have an anti-social streak, but for her it's because she is slave to her fiancee and homework. For me, I'm slave to my independence, and strong will to be alone.
Now, as for which character (wizeup or surfer k) is the one who's noble characteristics are defined by her twin's dastardly deeds, I don't know so much. Neither of our lives are perfect, nor are they detectably depressing (alliteration is my friend!) but they're defined by differing aspects. So I leave it up to the readers.
Sorry I've been slacking on my blogger duties, both posting and reading of other blogs. Who'da thunk that having my parents back would take away my free time?? Since I no longer have to buy my own groceries, maybe I would get atleast an hour more to myself, for myself. Nope. Seems I haven't had a good hour to myself since noon sunday went mom got back.... any chance I can send her back to Montana?? (JK Mom! Love ya)
It's one of those mornings. The kind of mornings where you hear a bird chirpring, and want to pull out your rocket launcher. If only I had a rocket launcher, that would be sweet... then of course I'd end up in some mental institution, but maybe that wouldn't be so bad. Atleast I would get pudding!
Dream diary is turning out to be more trouble than it's worth. I find myself having a really hard time of sleeping/staying asleep when I know that I have to remember atleast one of my dreams. It's especially aggravating in the morning when the step dad goes around banging in the kitechen, and turning every light on in the house... OF COURSE this is going to wake me up! Do you think I'm deaf? .... But anyway, then it takes me two hours just to get back to sleep, and my alarm goes off fifteen minutes later. That may be why I want to blast the happy little birdies outstide my window to smithereens...
Why am I the only one who wants to sleep in?? WHY?!?
Perhaps I should rephrase my question... When did everyone STOP sleeping?!?
It's my last night of freedom. Anyone else would throw a party and trash the place, but not me. Instead, I invited a friend over to read Othello, and eat thai food. Yeah. Parrtay!
After all that though, me and Surfer K went to go see "Little Miss Sunshine." That movie was so awesome! Me and Kim were laughing our heads off, along with the rest of the theater, I swear it was so hilarious! And the hilarity was well balanced with harsh reality. So it's def a good movie, go see it if you can.
"What is your daugher doing?!"
"...She's kicking ass, that's what she's doing."
On a slightly disgusting note, the skin where my mole used to be (non-cancerous by the way *whoo!*) is now purple. It went from orange, to pink, and now it's purple. Quite the rainbow I say. It's entertaining to watch. Atleast it isnt a crater anymore, that was so nasty. (like this isn't)
The Prestige, starring everyone and their mom, happens to also star David Bowie! wOOt, right? Wrong, I saw a picture of him from the movie, and it was NOT the Bowie we know and love. He had boring brown hair, a prim and proper mustache; he just looked so normal, and fit-in-ie. . . It's not right. But of course I'm still seeing the movie. I have show support, it's the law.
Here's a song to brighten your mood! Don't watch when at work, I watched it in the school comp lab just now, and I busted out laughing. Then I told the one other person in here what I was watching, and they understood. :) Enjoy, and have an awesome weekend!
@ 4:12 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Renaissance dreamin
September is coming to an end, and so approaches what was once known as 'Ren Fest Season.'
In Texas, for those who are not aware, every fall a renaissance Festival is held in a space specifically designed for such an event. Stone walkways, shops lining the grassy streets, hundreds of costumed and accent heavy persons walking along, a huge outdoor arena for jousting. Just about the best place in the world.
Well, this is the first time in a long time that I'm not able to attend, and it is lamentable. I hear there's a ren fest in san diego, but it's half the size and no one dresses up. So I don't think I shall be enjoying that experience, (of course I have to go though. I'll just be the only one dressed up) *sigh* And I don't think I'll be able to go next year either. But to make up for my absence, I do plan on getting married there. (if the man wont marry me there, he wont marry me ;))
One thing I will really miss is the ded Bob show. He's hilarious. Best puppet since kermit, and twice as campy. Needless to say, if anyone is in the Houston area around this time, I suggest you pop over and see it for me :).
These past few days have been crazy with creative inspiration. There's been three major breakthroughs made in three of my 'books' or stories. What I consider to be a breakthrough consists of a heavy conflict that I'll get like 50-100 good pages out of.
On a particular novel, that I actually haven't titled yet, I actually got three major conflicts planned, which will lead me up to the climax and eventual 'wrapping up' of the story. Excitement is coursing my veins, it'll be so exciting to finish something after years of only starting things. And I'm finally confident enough about my books that as soon as one is finished, it's ready to be put under the microscope for publication!!! wOOt!
I'm really missing my camera, there are so many surrounding events that I want to document and input onto my journal for documentation of my life. Prime example: not four feet away from me, my cat is pulling off the cutest pose. I swear, he looks like a human chillin infront of the TV. Curse you camera demons! Relinquish your hold on my camera!
Currently listening to: Earth Wind & Fire "Fantasy"
Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
Aye, thar be still some time on this day to be talking like a pirate matey. So get yer land-lubbin arse on over to find yer piratey name, or else yeel walk the plank! Orders from Cap'n Anne. :) We'll be ignorin' tha fact that ladies were not brought on board piratey ships, on account of their delicate nature. Argh.
I've had this urge for some time now to watch "super troopers," with all it's infamous one liners. (infamous meaning more than famous :) anyone who can name the movie that came from gets a cookie) Yes, it is one of those instant classics. You must see it.
Whilst reading my psychology text book today, I got an epiphany. No one is really 'smarter' than anyone else, on a general basis. Let me explain:
Two hypothetical students named Jimmy and Philip are both 'A' students, except one is an Art Major, and the other is a Philosophy Major. Jimmy is the artist, and thinks Philip is stupid because he's never heard of Francisco De Goya. Philip, onthe other hand, thinks Jimmy is stupid because he's never read Analects of Confucius. But which one is right? Neither, I say! We are all more adept in certain areas than others, and so to say that one is not smart for they cannot do what you do is just your biased opinion.
This didn't really have anything to do with reading the text book, atleast I think it didn't, but it struck me as profound, depending on what your view of equality is. So I guess I'm saying here that we're all equal. Broadly equal, but equal.
Okay, I'm away from the podium now. I think I've made my point ;) Although I would rather have you watch Super Troopers than to ponder my 'epiphany'.
You are a perfectionist, with an eye for beauty. You know how to live a good life - and you rarely deviate from your good taste. While you aren't outgoing, you have excellent social skills. People both admire you - and feel very comfortable around you.
I bet you didn't know it was constitution day, huh? I sure wouldn't have known if I hadn't gotten the day off of class. Apparently Calif colleges will lose their funding if they don't recognize this new holiday. (atleast I think it's new, it seems to be that way) wOOt for random holidays getting me a 3 day weekend!
Now, onto the date.
It lasted a lot longer than I expected it would. We ate dinner together after the play, and then we ate breakfast together this morning. We didn't do anything innapropriate, just the opposite. We were totally just hanging out and having fun. The play was pretty good too, it was fun to be so close to the stage and see the actors in detail and feel their humanity. Better than a movie.
Some things Dreads accused me of:
-being a nerd (I accept that one) -having a soothing voice -being ticklish -being a good little girl
We're naming him Dreads because he had dreadlocks all summer. I saw a picture. It was frikken hilarious.
I'm all a twitter. It confuses me, excites me, and aggravates me; all at the same time! woo! This is all caused by the fact that my Romeo and Juliet date has been moved up to tonight. He's going to call me when he gets off work for further planning. This is why I'm twitterpated. Guh, it's such an annoying feeling.
In other news, I am called to Jury Duty. Can you believe it?! Jury frikkin duty. I knew I shouldn't have registered to vote, and that there was a reason I despised the DMV, besides it's loooong lines and rude people. Grr... It said to take off two weeks, and that I should get paid to do it? I don't think so, bucko, I'm in school! You don't get paid to go to school, and if you take off more than two days, you get frikkin dropped from the class! I'll have to purposefully not get picked for the jury. Bigot time! Whatever the race is! I hate everyone equally, especially eskimos... those fur wearing weirdos...
Here's a topic, that has nothing to do with my date tonight... Roswell (the TV show from a few years back) has brought me back into the world of innocent love, and made me think that it can work out if a strong enough connection is made. Ignore the whole intergalactic romance, that's what scared me away when it was running. It's so much more than a scifi show with conspiracies being thrown about. At the risk of sounding like Roger and Ebert, go watch Roswell; You'll fall in love again. ;)
Ok, kittens, I'm off. I've got to go find something to keep my mind occupied and off of the date.
I'm not pimping websites... I would never sell out like that... (go to magnatune.com for new age music, it's rockin up in there)... Never. I find it to be in poor taste. ;)
Right now, I could be dancing and being merry down at a club by the beach. My friend is there, and her offer for me to come along was genuine. I love dancing, it's a nice way to relieve my insanity at having done nothing but school for two weeks. So why am I not carrying on at a club tonight, the only friday night I get this week???
I'll tell you why, it's because the club has an age limit of 21.... Bummer....
So, instead, I choose to have this night for writing. My books get neglected when I get home after 12 hours of being at school. While I would rather go out with friends, and dance my insanity away, I can settle for pot stickers and some good writing. That is, if I can get my mind in the right place to actually DO some good writing.
Before I go, I want to leave a quick note about the guy I met yesterday. He and I are in the same english class, and I noticed on the first day that he was looking over at me a few times. Since then, I've sort of had this feeling of familiarity with him, the kind that comes when I look at a guy and know that somethings going to happen between us, so I started talking to him yesterday and he immediatley asked me out to lunch! It was awesome, we exchanged phone numbers and I'm pretty sure than in two sundays we're going to see Romeo and Juliet together. If that isn't a great date, I don't know what is!
My mandarin prof is so dull that it's incredibly difficult to pay attention to him, and my fellow classmates until 9:00. He yaks on and on about cultural differences, and how english is easy to translate into mandarin (which is, by the way, the main language of china. did you know that? I sure did because the teacher says it everyday in class!) I just want him to teach me the bloody language, then I'll make the comparison myself!
But once I looked past the lectures, and into the text book, I learned that I really enjoyed the language. I'm not going to pretend that it isn't frikken hard, but atleast it's interesting, as opposed to listening to the prof "bla bla bla" for 3 hours while I try my best not to fall asleep.
They were talking about this on the radio this morning, about how every woman has/should have a secret stripper song. The DJ announced that it might a be generational thing, only women over 30 or something, but a lot of women called in with their SSS. Surprisingly, they mostly had the same one: "leave your hat on" by joe cocker. Weirdos...
But then I thought to myself... If I had a song that I would secretly choreograph, in hopes that one day I would have the courage to dance it infront of a sig other (the DJ's definition of a SSS), what song would I choose?
Well, the sexiest singer I know is Bruce Springsteen. The two sexiest songs he sings are, "I'm on Fire," and "Fire." (he must be a pyro) So there you have it. My SSS, only I have two instead of one. wOOt 4 me.
What songs would ya'll pick?
BTW: Note here to MonkeyLover- You have an awesome site, and your posts are really good/interesting, but I can never comment on them! Is this a personal security choice that I'm not aware of, or am I not clicking on the right thing? I just dont want you to think I don't read your blog, becuase I do!! :)
Fried tofu and yellow curry inspired a quick poem tonight.
Creamy coconut milk drenched rice pork and onions mmm, that's nice tofu in sweet sauce I like the hint of spice It plays on my tongue like little mice... nibbling away. ...It was a good retreat from cooking though...
It's supposed to be funny, kind of like people who treat themselves to a bowl of ice cream after they spend half an hour at the gym. Not that it was as funny on paper as it was in my head, but still I thought it was funny that I was looking around my kitchen and said to myself, "I am sick of making a dinner for myself that I don't want to eat when I'm done with it. I want to go out and get food!" then I got sick of it during the second bowl of curry (small bowls mind you. They're teeny tiny).
I don't have an interesting story about Sept 11th, I'm not going to tell you about what class I was in or what the teacher said. Expirience isn't something I have to give, so what I will talk about in today's post is what ran through my head when the implications began to sink in.
Where my emotional memory kicks in that day, I was watching CNN with my step sister, and talking to my mom over the phone. She was still at work, and I had just got home from school so I didn't know much of what happened. CNN had taken to replaying the videos (you know the ones) over and over again, and on a large screen TV, without 20 other kids crowded around, I froze with the image stuck in my brain. This is the moment I knew that this was a big deal, not because someone told me it was, but because a tingling in my gut projected to me a chain, of which this was just one link. Whether or not this moment did force me to grow up a little bit or not, it sure feels that way thinking back. One minute I was asking my mom why she didn't come pick me up from school, then after a pause I said:
"This is going to start a war isn't it mom?"
She said yes.
"This war is going to be the big war, isn't it?" You know... the BIG war.
She said, "You know what Honey? In effect, this is just another catalyst. It isn't the final straw, but it does mean we're getting there." something about there anyway. And it calmed me. I wasn't afraid, I wasn't paniky and glued to CNN. I just sort of knew that the event, and ones proceeding it, would/have occured for a reason. So I'm going to say that 9/11 had a sombering effect on me, as it did in the long run, on all of us I think.
Now I hope I don't have to talk about that for a very very long time. This is why I didn't want to go see those movies, nor can I watch the previews. Hurts to bring this up. I wont pay 7 bucks to relive it, thanks.
It can be so interesting to see how the current world has effected the one unit that is essential to the continuation of life. My friend and I went to the beach today, and as we were leaving we passed by a family gathered under a tent. They had some music on, and were talking casually, eating some watermelon and barbeque. Suddenly, the song gets int a heavy down beat, and the guy in it says something like, "Let me suck your..." something. Me and Holly kept walking by, I didn't really hear it, or it didn't permeate my skull, but Holly gave a look like, "what the hell are these people listening to?"
And she's right. What the hell kind of family gathering has to do with "sucking" something besides barbecue and lemonade? I'm not technically suggesting incest, but it seems very wrong that they can talk normally with that kind of soundtrack. What message does that send their teenagers? I understand that teenagers listen to that kind of stuff anyways, and parents can too, but it really shouldn't be done together. The thought sickens me. That kind of thing puts the fun in disfunctional quality time.
So is that where society is heading? The complete disregard of a more wholesome atmosphere? I thought life was supposed to go: young/innocent, young/not so innocent but still hidden under an innocent face, teenager/hate parents and as rebellious as possible, then suddenly you're an adult and having your own kids, if thats the path you choose. Circle of life. No where in there do I see, "teach your kids about sex by listening to sex songs at the saturday picnic." Doesn't fit anywhere. And it shouldn't, but these people apparenty made up their own circle of life. One that includes never growing up enough to be older than your children. That bothers me.
I'm making my own 'friday thing'. It's gonna be called YouTube Friday! Mostly It will consist of kick ass videos, whether they be funny, relevant, or just good. This replaces weird crush of the week, I ran out of crushes.
I can't tell if I like penut butter and banana mixed between two slices of bread or not. Every bite has it's downpoints and it's up points. What I can tell you is that when I'm done eating it, I'm off to get some bologna and cheese. I'm not having another expiramental sandwich for lunch.
My art class is okay, I learned a lot about 'measuring up' to people's expectations. The prof had us lift our pencil up to the still life, and compare different edges with the tip of the pencil, then draw it down with vine charcoal, (a thin stick of charcoal that draws easilly). Although the activity was strenuous, I have to admit that the prof is very good, the best art teacher I've had. Never before have I had someone actually tell us AND show us his techniques for drawing still life, usually they just assume we've done i before and let us run free. Good stuff.
Here's a funny exchange:
"Would anyone like some help?"
"I would."
"You would?"
"You seem to be doing so well over here by yourself."
You know that useless thing I was complaining about last night? No longer a factor. I am now officially enrolled into an english course, one that suits my expertise: intro into Lit. Well, atleast it did today, which was my first day in this rather miniature class. They were discussing Antigone, a greek tragedy I had read and discussed extensively in 10th grade. Luckilly, I remember it in surprising detail, and impressed the teacher and my fellow classmates with my comments. wOOt. No longer useless.
The teacher though is a total liberal. He, timidly, suggested that Creon, the bad guy king in Antigone, sounds a lot like Dick Cheney. It didn't bother me, since I don't know anything about Dick cheney besides him shooting his friend, but it was a little insight into my new eng prof. Then again, so are all my other teachers. woo...
One person in particular that sticks out, in terms of fellow students, was a the only other english major in the course: someone we'll call Surfer K. (her fiancee owns a surf shop). Surfer K and me hit it off right away, before we evenhad a chance to talk much, becuase when she sat behind me I shot her a big Texan smile (forgetting that califs don't know how to smile @ strangers) and surprise surprise, she returned the big smile. Surfer K isn't only a fellow english major with a loveof literature and writing, she's also from Texas, and actually knows where the freak Huntsville is. That's just blind friendship right there.
We just had lunch together, and there was not ONE awkward silence, and I think we talked for a bout two hours. Surfer K is a really nice girl, too, she's very friendly and ... well ... like me! A soft! Someone who can get to know a person without intimidating that person too much. She's better at that than I think I am!! So all in all, I've made my first real school friend, and, in my opinion (no offense to Holly and big T) my first real calif friend. Her and I certainly have more in common than me and Holly.
Ok, I'm off to surf the net some more. My next class doesn't start for like 2 hours. Hope you all had a good thursday as well.
It's one of those nights. The kind that would be mosts unbearable if anyone one else were in the house, because if they were you would remain in bed for fear of waking them. But then, if no one is in the house, one of these nights can be even worse.
You know the nights I'm talking about. A dream wakes you, not a paticualrly interesting dream, just one that's emotion driven emough to stir you from slumber. Then, trying to go back to sleep, you realise you have to go to the bathroom. Once back in bed, suddenly the ticking of a clock is incessant and boisterous. You peek out from forced closed lids in hope that the light outside the window is a street lamp, nothing more ominus, especially not daybreak.
Yeah It's one of those nights.
Then again, it was one of those evenings too. The type where you can't turn of the television in fear that the silence would rive you insane, yet you have no particular need to watch what you have on. Mine was do to a revelation brought on by my new favorite show: dead like me. Every episode it brings forth a revelation, gives advice and offers insight. Last evening, when I got through watching it I hought 'What would my insight be if I were to write an episode about undead people?"
The answer was what got to me. I told myself, Well, the thing you've learned most in life is that there are two perceptions, or two different states one can be in: Lonely, and not lonely. The heart wrenching thing is, these states usually have nothing to do with who surrounds you and who doesn't. Married with children, in an apartment full of roomates, a child with siblings to spare, all of these people can be lonley. Then again, there are the ones who are in the best state, or happiest state, when no one surrounds them. What if I'm one of the latter??
That's why I can't sleep. I had a dream about latching on to characters from Xena, and trying to help theme out with something. I was useless to them though, and I found myself getting away from them later on to find a job as a lonley person handing out those parking passes in a booth. There, I was able to thrive, or atleast not feel useless. Story of my life. That's what scares me.
Currently singing (in my head): Remember when it rained by Josh Groban
I've been tagged! It's a book one, very interesting way to get to know people, and see what things they read. NOTE: even though I am in a book club, I find that they read extremely boring things. So I probably wont be putting any of THOSE books on this list. I need to find me a fantasy/scifi book club, those exist right?
1) A book that changed my life: (Cheesy answer alert) Harry Potter. I fought reading the books for so long, just because everyone else liked them. It took me till the 5th one came out to finally read them, which I did over the course of a month. I literally did not do anything that summer when 'HP' wasn't on my mind, and halfway through the second or third one, I began my own fan fiction of it, meant to be kept short and fun, is now 400 some pages and still growing. I plan to make a trilogy of it. So I would say that HP inspired me, captivated me, and most of all re-motivated me into the creative field.
2) A book that I've read more than once: The Witches of Worm by Zilpha Snider. It's a mystifying tale of an anti-social misfit who is faced with evil promptings from her possessed kitten, Worm. Along the way, she encounters therapists, paranoid babysitters, and a single mother who ignores her. Recommended, but it's more a book for pre-teens I'm sure. That's when I read it anyway.
3) A book I'd take to a deserted island: The Gunslinger series by Stephen King. It's very epic and interesting, but it takes time and patience to get through to the end. I haven't been able to as of yet, but I'm sure I would if left on an island with only it and rootbeer. (the rootbeer is necessary. Water I can find ;))
4) A book that made me laugh: Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison. This is a good book, not funny all the way through, and it leaves you with some unanswered questions so that you buy the next book, but it has it's moments. The little Pixie man and the main character are so funny together, what with ferrets and sterilization. Big recommendation for this one.
5) A book that made me cry: Heidi, the classic by Johanna something. And Dead? by Lawrence Law. Enough said.
6) A book I wish had been written: Man, there are so many books out there, I couldn't possibly name something that hasn't been written about extensively. I'll tell you what though, I wish there were more Dr. Seuss and more Gary Larson books out there.
7) A book that should never have been written: I've never read something that was horrible and awful and so immoral that I thought it shouldn't have been written, but I don't think Nicole Richie should have wrote that book. It's not right.
8) A book I'm currently reading: Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin and Monster Blood Tattoo by D.M. Cornish. One more lighthearted, the other extremely detailed and thorough. Both good.
9) A book I'm planning to read: In Phule's Company by Robert Asprin, and Myth Conceptions by Robert Asprin. If I'm really bored then I'll read The Whistling Season by Ivan Doig.
10) Who I'm tagging next: Princess and Johnsy, Pheonix Hearse, Rain, Jennster, Christine, Lost in Beauty
@ 1:44 PM
phules gold
Okidokee artichokee, I'm home for the day after my only MW class. Don't think me lazy, I have 3 TTH classes, or will providing I can talk the teacher into letting me into his class, and one 4 hour class on friday. Monday wednesday is my lazy day. Sort of.
You see, parking is such an issue at this bizzare college that I'm considering arriving ever morning at ateast 7:30 to aquire a parking spot, even though my classes dont start till later in the morning. From there I'll probably go into the library and study/do homework ect. I'm not sure if I'm reading too heavilly into the first day speeches of the classes i've had so far, but they seem pretty hard. Pretty hard indeed. I'm gonna need that extra time in he library to study up.
Not much else to say, I've talked to a few guys on campus, two of which were in class with me. No real bonds there yet, obviously, but still, there's hope. Despite the difficulty I predicted, it's quite easy to flare up a conversation with californians. Almost as easy as with a Texan. Speaking of, I find myself really missing some aspects of my old campus, but nothing that I didn't already know that I'd miss. Uncle J.J. for instance, is about 1-10 on the list. He was an awesome prof, best one yet. I have his email, I think I'll email him today just to see what he's up to.
I end on a funny note. Enjoy!
What job ads really mean:
COMPETITIVE SALARY We remain competitive by paying you less than our competition.
JOIN OUR FAST-PACED COMPANY We have no time to train you.
CASUAL WORK ATMOSPHERE We don't pay enough to expect that you will dress up.
SOME OVERTIME REQUIRED Some every night and some every weekend.
DUTIES WILL VARY Anyone in the office can boss you around.
MUST HAVE AN EYE FOR DETAIL We have no quality assurance.
CAREER-MINDED Female applicants must be childless (and remain that way).
APPLY IN PERSON If you're old, fat or ugly you'll be told that the position has been filled.
SEEKING CANDIDATES WITH A WIDE VARIETY OF TALENTS You'll need it to replace the three people who just quit.
PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS IS A MUST You're walking into perpetual chaos.
LEADERSHIP SKILLS You'll have the responsibilities of a manager, without the pay or respect.
GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS Management communicates, you listen, figure out what they want and do it.
@ 1:16 PM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
teachers, leave them kids alone
School starts today at my mew college. wOOt? No. Well, I'm not super unhappy about it, not like throwing a tantrum or anything, but still I'm not looking forward to 40 min traffic in the student parking lot. Meaning I have to drive to class nearly an hour earlier that the class starts. And then there's the whole embedded dread of school, and end of summer thing. You may be thinking, "well atleast you get a summer vacation. I have to work all year long." My reply to that: once upon a time you had a summer off, and at that time, you dreaded the start of the fall semester. It's just my turn now.
My friends yesterday gave me the impression that, although its fun to be around me and they like me, that I don't get out enough. Being the odd birds they are, they explained it by saying i'm a 'soft' and that means if my comfort zone is breached, then I wriggle away to re-establish the barrier. Never thought of it that way myself, but I suppose it's true. They also mentioned that I'm well adjusted despite this. Whatev that means, I took it as a compliment.
When one comes across insightful people like my friends Holly and Big T (that's what we'll call them) what is one meant to feel? I thought I was well in my right to be frazzled by their bustling energy and piercing aura. I mean, there's no fooling these people, and I guess if I can't fool people, then I'm not comfortable around them. Does this make me a 'soft', or a liar? Maybe a soft is liar, and that comfort zone includes a barrier that should keep others from looking too deep. Apparently it doesn't work on Holly and Big T.
If I'm going to stay sane in Calif, I'm going to have to find some friends at school. I can't have my only friends be constantly harassing me not to eat cheese. (didn't you know? dairy is extremely bad for you)
@ 9:19 AM
Monday, September 04, 2006
Poor Steve Irwin died!!! You know him, he's the croc hunter from all those discovery channel shows.
It's really sad, he was stung by a sting ray on his chest, and they couldn't get him to a hospital on time. His wife? Climbing a mountain, doesn't even know yet. It's all too horrible, I used to watch his show religiously, and I even liked his movie and thought he was the king of awesomeness. Who's going to be the king of awesomeness now??
And he didn't even get taken out by a croc. That's injustice right there, but I guess he still died in his boots. Died, and left behind a widow and two children. This just sucks.
@ 2:42 AM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
down to size
The well laid plans of mice and men.... and so on...
I was right there, mentally anyway, to teach those primary kids, and now I've not only let them down, but I've also let mom down. Seriously, I put too much faith in my navigation skills. You'd think I'd be able to find my way home, but no. Well, actually, you know what it is? It's that I don't put enough faith in my memory! I was on the freeway, and I thought to myself, "I need just to keep going, I'll hit the road I need to be on" but no, I second guessed myself... like 5 times... and I ended up an hour late to go to church and teach those kids.
Part of me starts up a blame list: me being #s 1-10, then something about mom and my friends preshuring me, bla bla bla. The rest of me is just like, "whatev, it's done now, and i hope i've learned a lot from this expirience" more simply put, "whatev"
currently listening: The Bee Gees "Stayin Alive"
@ 1:26 PM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
rich man's world
I've returned from my escapades in the magical land of Singapore, and I am here to regail you with the wonderful events that transpired there. This may take a while, lots of stuff happened, besides shopping. Big surprise, lah? Oh, and there's going to be a meme at the bottom of it all. So let's all take a cleansing breath.... and begin.
First of all, I'd like to give a big shout out to my sister Steph for the hacking/birthday entry. You filled in for me when I could not preform my duties! Thanks big sis, you're so talented with the spiffy design stuff.
Wow, I am all off whack here. We left LA airport at like 7:30 pm thursday night, then arrived in Singapore at 4:00 sat morning. As if missing a day wasn't weird enough, I had little to no sleep on the 15 hour flight, and so I was dopey. Not something good when in a foreign country for the first time at 4:00 in the morning.
Frst day there, once we were all showered and fed, we walked over to Little India for some shopping. Actually, we tried to walk, but got lost and ended up in a Taxi. (Taxis=good) We shopped half heartedly, dreary from the crazy flight, but it was fun to see all the little markets and stands. At first the pushy shop owners were annoying, but then I went to a little Sari shop and their enthousiasm proved to be very helpful in finding me the perfect sari for a fairly good price. Since it was only the first day, we were probably supposed to pace ourselves, but to me it felt like I had to buy up everything I spotted, and I pretty much did. It was good for me that the prices were excellent and the exchange rate is amazingly in our favor. (american dollar vs singapore dollar) The food in little India didn't agree with me very well, even though I have found that I quite like curry. Overall, everythings spicy and alien. I didn't know what I was eating, and whether the thing in it was a hair or a noodle. So that wasn't so good, but the shopping, and the temples were neat.
Sunday we headed over to China Town. This was mom's time to shine, she loves China and used to be able to speak the language. Plus she's been to China and knows what she wants from the merchants. We shopped like crazy once again, probably buying more little items for less money than in little india. This was the day I fulfilled much of my shopping expectations for the trip: buying souvenirs. Most of them were purchased on sunday in China Town, i'm not going to lie. This was not so much a testament to the pushy shop owners as little india, they were more non-chalant, more high class in the little shopping centers (not so desperate). In one of the little 3 items for 10$ shops I found myself a happy buddha and a lucky dragon to adorn my room with. Brings good fortune. Lunch here was much better, or atleast I knew what I was eating. I ordered a bowl of dumpling soup (I discovered that I really like dumplings) for 3$ and a glass of water chesnut juice. Soiunds funky but it was delicious (the juice) the noodles were okay, I really liked the dumplings as I had expected.
After this the days all run together. Early in the week we went to the botanical gardens, and hiked amongst towering greenery for free. It was really hot though, and even with a scoop of funky ice cream, we needed a coke when we reached the mall near our hotel. Once parched we searched the mall in and out, and found a wonderful little massage parlour. It was called My Summer Spa, and I got a 40 min long traditional massage with hot oil. O...M...G! Wonderous, my friends, you must have a massage in Asia, this is very important. Mom got foot reflexology, and we liked it so much we made apt.s for Friday for me, mom, and step pop to come back. More on that later.
Another day in the week we saw the Asian Civilisation Museum. You know how that goes: you walk around for 2 or 3 hours, think to yourself 'hmm, this is somewhat interesting', and move on with your life. This was no different, except for the faact that his museum had a flippin awesome cafe in it, where mom and I shared a delectable creame brulee. Pure magic ;)
More shopping done in china town, to redeem ourselves for the things we'd seen there and not bought. For example I went there and bought a wonderful wall fan. Huge and beautiful. I either got the blue jays or the storks. Either way, I'm happy with my purchase. (all of them in fact) Mom went back for more pillow cases to gift to my Aunt her Sister that makes them into little dresses. These pillowcases will make some girl very happy somewhere. Also we went to see 'The Break Up' where I disputed to step pop why that movie wasn't a chick flik, mostly to protect the movie by saying it was worth more than a mere chik flik. I get prickly when people don't like movies that I like.
Sleeping was a strange affair. It was easy to fall asleep because we all got dopey early and headed for the hotel around 9:00. Then the first few mornings I'd wake up randomly and not want to go back to sleep. That's jetlag for you. This is another reason I'm all off whack now. You see me blogging at nearly one o'clock am??? And I don't even notice the lateness. Weird.
Thursday!!!! This day I remember because it was... my BIRTHDAY! Mom took me shopping at the mall, and bought me a purse, some cute shoes, and a spiffy hairdo! Somewhere in here I think we all got a crippleing massage that gave us bruises, but improved my posture. Then I got all cute and we went for the celebration at the zoo to see the Night Safari! OMG it was great, the animals were so awesome and right in your face. We were like 9 feet from Hyenas without a fence. Good stuff. I have pictures, but i'll post them tomorrow. There was also a great Fire show with some mild Borneo men dancing nd whooping. Very exciting. Not so sexy, but wild and brutish. All in all, great birthday.
Friday we had the massage apts. I was signed up for a Shiatsu massage, if you know whata that;s all about. It wasn't anything too crazy, she just dug her elbow into my spine and pinched my limbs. Felt really good afterward, very loosey. Mom and step pop got the asian hot oil massage that I'd gotten before, that they enjoyed too. More shopping ensued, I frantically tried to spend all my Singapore money and bought several random items. This is today I guess, but to me it was yesterday because this was also the day we boarded a 15 hour flight back to LA. This is where it gets REALLY trippy: we got on the plane at 4:00 pm friday afternoon. Fifteen hours later we landed in LA at 5:00 pm that same afternoon. Now you see why I'm off whack?? How is it possible that this day hasn't ended yet?? It's been super long but it wont end because I'm not tired and thence I'll be sleeping all morning tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Top ten things I'd do if I won a billion dollars.
1) Republish my dad's book and get it freakin awesome publicity, see how well it fares with better chances 2) Meet David Bowie. Every man has his price, all I ask for is a handshake and perhaps an autograph. 3) Trade LilMillie (my car) for a violent purple PT Cruiser convertable. Then I will proceed to name it LilMillie...in memorial... 4) Throw one of those "I'm not married nor pregnant parties, but I'm celebrating me anyway!" -stolen from sex and the city- 5) Go to Egypt. Expirience Egypt. Live there for a time if at all possible. 6) Switch homes between Egypt and Singapore. Yes, it was THAT awesome. 7) Say 'screw you' to the rich doctor idea, and write for a living thereby writing myself into Hollywood and living it up. 8) Own a disco hut. (you need a random move when you hit it big) 9) Visit all the places that need visiting. (manchu pichu, the parthenon, ect) 10) Donate heavilly (to who is my business ;))
I tag PheonixHearse, Shadow My Likeness, Rain and there you have it, I'm off to fight jetlag. goodnight!
@ 12:28 AM
Friday, September 01, 2006
Happy Days Will Come To You All Year
Yesterday, was your birthday so I am hacking into your blog to add a Happy Birthday post.