Wednesday, September 27, 2006
anger at the world
Sorry I've been slacking on my blogger duties, both posting and reading of other blogs. Who'da thunk that having my parents back would take away my free time?? Since I no longer have to buy my own groceries, maybe I would get atleast an hour more to myself, for myself. Nope. Seems I haven't had a good hour to myself since noon sunday went mom got back.... any chance I can send her back to Montana?? (JK Mom! Love ya)
It's one of those mornings. The kind of mornings where you hear a bird chirpring, and want to pull out your rocket launcher. If only I had a rocket launcher, that would be sweet... then of course I'd end up in some mental institution, but maybe that wouldn't be so bad. Atleast I would get pudding!
Dream diary is turning out to be more trouble than it's worth. I find myself having a really hard time of sleeping/staying asleep when I know that I have to remember atleast one of my dreams. It's especially aggravating in the morning when the step dad goes around banging in the kitechen, and turning every light on in the house... OF COURSE this is going to wake me up! Do you think I'm deaf? .... But anyway, then it takes me two hours just to get back to sleep, and my alarm goes off fifteen minutes later. That may be why I want to blast the happy little birdies outstide my window to smithereens...
Why am I the only one who wants to sleep in?? WHY?!?
Perhaps I should rephrase my question... When did everyone STOP sleeping?!?
Technorati Tags: sleep, dream diary, rocket launcher, bird, bad morning, stress, free time, mental institution, pudding
@ 8:17 AM