Monday, July 17, 2006
drives you insane

That's me and my niece Lexie, all dressed up cute-like. Nica addition to fatten up the blog, no?
1. The book nearest me: "Kitchen God's Wife" by Amy Tan
2. Stretch our your left arm, what do you touch? A white curtain
3. Last thing watched on television? Mad TV, but it wasn't that funny of an episode
4. Without looking, what time is it? 4:50
5. What is the actual time? 5:13 I was close... ish
6. With the exception of the computer what can you hear? Nothing, Lexie's sleeping soundly
7. When did you last step outside? Early afternoon to take out the garbage
8. Before this survey what did you look at? www.nameandfame.org/greek.html
9. What are you wearing? old ass capris, and a black sleevless top
10. Did you dream last night? Yes, and it had something to do with Fred Weasley... Probably on account of I was writing in LP all day yesterday, and watching HP as well (what would I do if I weren't a harry potter geek?)
11. When did you last laugh? With Lexie when she was eating my face
12. What is on the walls in the room? Nothing unless you count curtains, and the calendar that is flopped out on my desk that I meant to go up
13. Seen anything weird lately? A daddy long legs spider on the ceiling. More freaky than weird, not that I'm scared of spiders, but those things are awkward looking buggers
14. What do you think of this quiz? it's a nice excuse for an entry
15. What is the last film you saw? Sword and the Stone. I love that cartoon, it warms me 'art.
16. Tell me something we don't know. I open mouth kissed a horse once. (lol, no that was Austin Powers) Ok, here goes, I'm secretly in love with Bill from Kill Bill. I think she should have forgiven him, he seemed ready to make ammends, and he was a great father.
17. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you do? Hmmm... I would probably have a part of the world to myself, and make the whole thing loads bigger to better fit everyone. Mostly the island dealie to myself, and whomever I invite though
18. Do you like to dance? Let's do the Timewarp again!!
19. George Bush? He does his best, stop picking on the poor guy.
20. Imagine your first child is a girl. ....And? No I don't believe I'll be having any children. I love other people's kids, but I'm a better Aunt than a mother, I'll admit it freely. But on the off chance I have a child, and it was a girl, I would name her Aqua. That's right, Aqua. (my argument for not being a good mother, I'm too anti-conformist. Poor Aqua would be miserable)
21. Imagine your first child is a boy. No thanks. A girl or nothing. If it's a boy, his father gets him.
22. Would you consider living abroad? Yes, in fact I plan to someday
23. What would God say to you when you reach the pearly gates? "what are YOU doing here?" Then he would send me back to earth for a thousand years as punishment for screwing up my current life. Maybe an exaggeration, but something like that I'm sure.
24. 6 people who will do this quiz. Christine, Monnserat, Steph, and then I need to find more people to read my blog. (anyone else who wishes to do the quiz, is welcome LOL)
@ 3:20 PM